"Dance Party" XP 2023
Acrylic on raw canvas. 22 noodlppl completed on March 22, 2023. On my last day being 22~years~old.
"noodlppl: first collection" XP 2023
Acrylic on raw canvas. Mini canvases with 1 noodlppl each. Click on each one to read their individual names :) 
"lasso stuff on my mind"
"lasso stuff on my mind"
"you look like you surf"
"you look like you surf"
"mi sitio favorito"
"mi sitio favorito"
"mitad de mi, pa ti"
"mitad de mi, pa ti"
"verde que te quiero verde"
"verde que te quiero verde"
"llena de amor"

"llena de amor"

"Squeeze Me" XP 2023
Acrylic on raw canvas. Here I combined my noodlppl with the absract gradients that I learned to do with the painting "Soterrada". 
"Delicias (Delights)" XP 2023
Acrylic on raw canvas. More gradient abstract shapes, a noodlppl, and some free-handed cursive typography.
"Aventura" XP 2023
Acrylic and sharpie on raw canvas. This was my first ever trial run with acrylic paint on raw canvas. I had no plan with the shapes or colors. I was just experimenting with the way the canvas reacted to the water and the paint. Playing around with letting some colors touch and increasing the concentration of paint in some of the borders. I liked the process and the results, a lot, and a couple of days after is when I invented the noodlppl. This is the first ever noodl to make it on to a canvas. The phrase, which translates to "I am embarking on this adventure", clearly shows my excitement to start painting in this way. After this experiment, I started my first big canvas work: "Soterrada".
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