“Perdona mamá, siempre hice lo que quise” XP 2023
This piece is inspired by a picture I took of my sister in La Fortuna, Costa Rica. An enchanted city swallowed in green 🌱

“Llevo dentro todo lo que ando buscando” XP 2023
This is my first ever oil painting. I knew very little of how oil paint behaves when I started this, but I had the essentials (oil paint, linseed oil, and turpentine). I started by painting the whole canvas a warm tone and then sketched out the underpainting. Looking back now, I would use less turpentine in certain areas, such as the bench and handrails, to give the painting more depth.

“Aún no me he enterado de cómo funciona todo esto (la vida en general)” XP 2023
Oil paint and pencil on cardboard (the back structure of a frame). My first "self portrait" (everything except the face is my self).